Our Featured Writer for the month of September is Boomingsols. Her story, ‘Oh Pastor!’ topped the Best of the Month board with the highest comments and views in the month of August. To read more of her stories click HERE. Enjoy the interview below.

When and why did you begin writing?

When … I started writing when I was in Primary School in conjunction with drawing. I have a couple of portraits to show for it. Though I’m a Computer Scientist by profession, I major in Website Design and database management. I do Computer Graphics and I’m a programmer. I take writing as a hobby which has been a part of my life for so long.

Why … Why? (smiles). The fact that I’m alive inspires me … I see it as an opportunity to put down something on paper … sometimes it makes sense and sometimes, it doesn’t … just putting down thoughts, ideas, events, motivations and creativity give me pleasure … it makes me think deep.

What inspires you to write?

Everything! Yes, everything around me from the conventional day-to-day activities to emotional transformations to the happenings in the society at large.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I don’t think I do … though people say I do. I’m very diverse and I guess people say that based on my posts on NS.

I don’t restrict myself to a style even though my works may portray a few “free-lancer” kind of style. I enjoy being free to express myself in the best way I can, no wonder my friends and even on NS have come out with coinages that describe my style.

Do you have a major theme that runs through most of your work?

A major theme … hmm … let me see … ‘EMOTION!’ (this may not sound like a theme anyway) Yes, that’s what is consistent in my works … hard felt emotions. I put my emotions to play when I write and the emotions are felt in the characters that play the role.

What books have most influenced your life most?

This may sound ridiculous. But, I just have to say that “Maximized Manhood” by Edwin Louis Cole still stands tops. Sorry, this is a book for men … I guess that was what attracted me in the first place. The way and manner the author used words and wrote the book do not really fit totally into a particular writing style (quite interesting). The introduction was fantastic and subsequent chapter writing styles was astonishing … at the end of the day, the message was passed and I tell you, my eyes was glued to every word … wanting to know what next to be said … that really held me on!

Others that influenced my writing style in Poetry is American Walt Whitman. On the African side, the late Pastor (Mrs) Bimbo Odukoya’s writing style was unique and it kept my eyes glues to every page.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Hmmm … I love Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”. It will forever be ever-green …. the African setting and style is still very much unique to me.

What books are you reading now?

It will marvel you to know that I’m not reading any literary book at the moment … instead, I’m reading a Programming Book. Sorry huh?

Asides that, I’m always keeping a motivational book handy, the one I’m on with now is “Maximizing Your Potential” by Dr. Myles Munroe … I cant count how many times I’ve read it. Others I’ve read over the years are Joyce Meyer’s collections to mention but a few works of such motivational speakers.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

I’m always much into African, no wonder Helen Olajumoke Oyeyemi have caught my glimpse. One very interesting qualities of this lady is the fact that she had published her very first novel even in her tender age. Not to talk about her other various plays and subsequent novels … and that intrigues me … really! See, I cant wait to see the quality of her first novell: “The Icarus Girl”. Maybe later, I’ll lay hold of “Victimese”. I’m so in for her right now.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Like I pointed out earlier, my style is unique and I’m improving on it. I think I have a style that is a combination of Poetry, Prose, memoirs, flash, musing and any literary style that fits.

This challenges me a lot and I’m particularly amazed at how people love and appreciate it. Though criticisms fly in … I just think it’s a challenge for me. Who knows if carefully worked upon, can be a literary style that will be adopted in future. This really can be a real advantage to the literary world at large.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Wole Soyinka. I don’t know, I’m just so proud of African writers making an impact in the literary world … it’s a very big challenge for me that you can do anything as long as you are focused. And like it is, literature is an art and like every art, it’s meant to be appreciated. Art as it is, is independent of any race, culture or educational background … its interest and talent that matters.

This author’s biography inspires me a lot and I must say that his originality and ability to promote the African culture is one thing that stand him out for me … no wonder he’s a pro. At a point, he didn’t have to go by literary norms and that’s but one of the reasons that stands him out as a nobel laureate of our time today, and of course, he’s a brand!

What do you think of the Nigerian publishing industry?

There’s really not much to say for now as I’m yet to publish my works. But based on what I’ve seen on the Internet site of these publishing industries, most time some preferences are given to some literary work than to the others, reasons unknown though. Sometimes, huge amounts of money will be required to get the work out.

Though I don’t know much about it (as earlier stated), but I feel the publishing company should not charge too high to publish and whatever deal that is to be made must be fair and favorable to upcoming authors.

What comments do you have about the reading culture in the country?

I would say the reading culture in Nigeria is below average and as such not encouraging. There’s one thing I want to state clear here: reading do not only entail Shakespeare works or Mills and Boon, its about creative and informative reading … reading that impacts knowledge to the reader and in the long run affects the economy positively. This creativity is what is then used by the readers to become what they want to in life. God Bless my people, God Bless our Intellect, God bless Nigeria!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

What else do I have to say than to urge you to continue reading and writing creatively, because you never know what you’ve got in you till you start. Start writing today and you’ll be amazed at how extra-ordinary you might turn out to be.

Never let criticisms pull you down, instead be fired up by it … work on it and wait for the results.

Also, I also want to thank you all for appreciating “my works” and believing in ME, knowing for a fact that I am “my works” and “my works” is ME … and that creates MY STYLE!

Finally, I’ll say LOVE unconditionally … it’s the only beautiful gift and indescribable feeling that can last forever if done purely.



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Myne Whitman

I am a Nigerian writer, poet and blogger. My debut novel A Heart to Mend was self-published in 2009. I now have two books in print and work to use new and social media to promote aspiring writers, Nigerian books and reading. Myne Whitman is a name I coined myself while still in secondary school and is a play on the transliterated words of my maiden name. After a postgrad degree and a few years in Edinburgh, Scotland, I now live in the United States with my husband.

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