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One of Us: Hi, my name is Frank and I’m gay. I know it sounds terribly weird introducing myself this way but I have come to the realization that the more I say it, the better my chances of accepting it.
I have always been gay. In f...1 view(s)
STANDING IN A BRT: Why would anyone want to stand in a BRT? I once asked my best friend. We were comfortably seated in the bus and were prepared to relax for we were on our way home from Oshodi market where we had gone to shop. Bus Rapid Transi...1 view(s)
Niger Area: We grew thinking our tongues were inferior,
Schools still allow fines and punishment for usage...
Now, government complains of indigenous languages' dearth.
We grew knowing teachers are poor,
The work for rewa...1 view(s)
Genevieve Nnaji: She was hailed by Oprah Winfrey as the Julia Roberts of Africa and featured in an Oprah episode Meet the Most Famous People in the World. Just recently she was chosen as Connector of The Day on CNN’s Connect The World progr...1 view(s)
Best of the Week
To Love a Liar: Mary Jane’s jaw dropped open in abject horror. Shock, like a raging current, coursed through her entire system. Standing right on her doorsteps, eyes twinkling brightly with a so...13 comment(s) | 41 view(s) | by Edydeyemi
It doesn’t last forever: As kids, we weren’t the best friend sisters, but we were friends. And we always fought. I remember the first scuffle I had with her. It was when she became overly close to a Yoru...46 comment(s) | 37 view(s) | by Ukamaka Olisakwe
THE WET DREAMS OF A WIFE: It is my last night as a bachelor and I am drunk and dancing with all sorts of women. There are fat women, slim women, short women, tall women, fair women and dark women for me and...44 comment(s) | 33 view(s) | by Idoko Ojabo
The Rejects: “How did I get here?” The man asked himself. He was in the middle of nowhere, a very busy market. One which he was sure he had never been before. All he could remember was that...6 comment(s) | 32 view(s) | by morzook
Marriage is an eye-opener: Hi guys, hope you are good? I sat down one day and thought about this story, i have been advised to always make my story longer and not rushed, I hope I tried with this one.
En...5 comment(s) | 29 view(s) | by Wealth
Just before the bullet found its mark, Remi had a flashback of the flash bang and Lade squeezing her eyes shut before squeezing the trigger. She hadn’t thought Lade would have the guts to shoot when Lade returned. [...]
“Zube, come on, it’s break time.” “I don’t want to go.” Twelve years old Zube shrank in his seat and looked up through the corner of his eyes at the person standing above him and gesturing. Ike was turned sideways, one leg already turned to the direction of the door. [...]
There were five of us that headed for the stream that hot afternoon. Mixed-raced Chibu, who came in from Abuja the week before – who would rather whistle strange-sounding tunes and giggle than participate when we argued at the [...]
I am gazing aimlessly out of the window next to my bed, watching the heavens cry tears that I cannot. Memories flood my mind: a disturbingly dark mosaic of inadequacy, humiliation, neglect and malicious voices. The concerted effort with [...]
The long holidays began in the first week of August. After spending just one day at home, I was already bored. As I stood at the window that afternoon wishing I could find something interesting to do, I did [...]
An Empty Doorway and A Maple Leaf are the names of the two little brats I inherited from aunt Morenike, my stupendously wealthy relative. Maple wasn’t a leaf but Aunty assured me she’s soothing and crisp like a glowing [...]
Naija Tales from Los Angeles is fiction set in the city of Los Angeles, in the state of California, USA. The characters in the stories are members of the resident or transient Nigerian and African communities scattered throughout the [...]
When I uttered the statement: “If you can’t beat them, you join them” while discussing about the fake feel of the yuletide, I made that statement in a state of defeatism. That was a huge mistake on my part. [...]
I find the spot that hurts I soothe her with a smile and a dosage of that elixir: laughter…Though I enjoy this solitude and seeming freedom I possess, I know I would have been better off with that special someone by my side, with my every-woman respecting me and caring for my general well-being. [...]
Okon Itiaba stumbled out of the black Ford Taurus sedan and then quickly steadied himself. A couple of passers-by approached him as if to offer assistance. He smiled reassuringly and then waved them off.
Yes, she knifed a man at the throat and took his uniform. She needed to be a ghost. She sneaked into this well-developed area filled with blocks of houses. An irrigation project was ongoing, meant to give water to [...]
Jibola let the word out with a long drawl. It sounded more like ‘gash’ with a forced American accent he had picked up from the many disco parties he went to in the city, where speakers blared hip-hop [...]
Eli walked out of the school at closing time with two of her friends with whom she walked home daily. She was to go meet her mother at the motor park where she sold liquor and cigarette. Eli hated [...]
One day, Mrs Effiong returned home after a trip to the market to discover that the money she had set aside for the baby’s christening dress was short. Of one thousand naira. She had a hard time reconciling her accounts, and later, after exhaustive but unproductive brain wracking concluded that she must have used the money somehow, maybe in buying some things. It didn’t matter that there were no things! Monica was up at night typing on her phone. Mrs Effiong found out because in the middle of the night when she got up to use the bathroom, and she had to pass by Monica’s room, she heard the familiar sound she usually heard from the phone of her neighbour upstairs. She restrained the urge to barge into the room, in a characteristic Mrs Effiong style and demand that Monica go to bed. That why was she wasting her light and a host of other questions. Dealing with an apparently non- stupid housegirl did that: dulled your instincts and Mrs Effiong’s instincts were almost becoming non- exis [...]
The ceiling fan was making a whirr whirr sound, swaying from side to side in a last desperate attempt to do the work for which it was made; to circulate air. The Power Holding Company had just emasculated it. Mrs Effiong groaned. Her three month old who was sleeping soundly, would soon cry out when he became hot and sweaty. If she had known that PHC was this unreliable in these parts , she would have prevented her husband from paying for this flat in Ijesha. [...]