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Assuming he is an 'ordinary' Nigerian with no stakes in the electoral…
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The Gods are not to Blame...: The Gods are not to Blame
Ola Rotimi
My Best Nigerian book is Ola Rotimi's The Gods are not to Blame . It's a classic that most literature student can not escape. The play strongly drives African belief in destiny an...1 view(s)
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Pornography:The silent ad...: Alero: Guess what dropped off Frank's pocket on our way home yesterday?
Sam: Lots of Christian tracts.
Alero: Nop, try again!
Sam: Ally, I don't have time for unrewarding conversations this evening...99 view(s) | by sambright
Lola Shoneyin and the Pri...: When I get hold of a book to read, I usually read the synopsis on the back cover and quotes from literary reviews. The brief synopsis of The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives did not give much away ...42 view(s) | by Adura Ojo
Dream come true: The summer sun peeped through the venetian blinds. A gentle breeze stirred quietly. There was serenity outside. The atmosphere seemed scented.
I smiled as I visualized myself in a different country...39 view(s) | by doubleespresso
My Sis Got Married Last W...: My Sis Got Married Last Weekend - 1
Before una get the wrong impression, let me make it abundantly clear that I’m not one of those to get too sentimental about these kind of things. Come on, I�...34 view(s) | by Diasporian
Taboo Close: Someone pointed to a car that looked exactly like Tabatha’s. It was parked about sixty metres from the spot I thought I had seen the house. Everyone ran to the car, except me. I couldn’t bring mys...31 view(s) | by Mercy Ilevbare
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A kid's prayer: As i face another day,
Watch over me Lord when i play,
Help me not to cry when i fall.
Instill in me your sweetest love.
Fill my heart with your truth.
As i'll soon ...145 comment(s)
OH! PASTOR: ... Oh! Pastor ... REPENT!!! before its too late!
This poetry shows the deteriorating state of our religious leaders ... so help us GOD!...102 comment(s)
The first time he kissed her it was from across the office.
She rubbed her engagement ring hard and was rewarded with a sparkle. Looking at it intensely she t...88 comment(s)
Love, in a mortar...: I don’t believe in marriage. Not really. I like my space, so having one special person for the rest of my life is scary and too close for comfort.
My sister, Hadiza, got marri...81 comment(s)
Captain von 'Clap' Trapp: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of some ages, good day.
My name is… well you can call me Narrator. And I love my role. I am omnipresent. I see it all. I hear it a...78 comment(s)
He saw her again, the same girl he’s seen in the bus every morning. He walked past her and went on to seat just on the adjacent row, 2 seats behind her. She had the same impeccable look than spoke tales of good [...]
Martial Arts. The Way of the Warrior. Ancient fighting arts that have been around for so long that the origin of most of them have become blurred. The ancient and popular arts of Karate, Taekwondo, Kung-Fu, Aikido, Judo, Ju-Jitsu, Ninjitsu, Hapkido, Capoeira, Kenjutsu. The [...]
The bullet whizzed past. It was so close she felt the heat. The target car was a distance away. They flew their best towards it, and shot back blindly trying their best to divert the attention of their assailants. It was not [...]
THE story of Tellam got both Solom and Hamit that the night flew along and the fear of Dubanon faded in their thoughts. The night had flown into the midnight and the moon stared the earth boldly in the face. Cold [...]
Suddenly a black goat darted into the road. Whether it was too bamboozled by what seemed to it an approaching behemoth or that it was playing out a black script given it by some malevolent spirit, no one would ever know. It just stood [...]
The road to Golgotha began almost four months ago when I popped into Sanya’s quarters at Kiru barracks that fateful Saturday evening. Sanya was my best friend. Both of us were in our late twenties and single Infantry [...]
Los Angeles Stories is fiction set in the city of Los Angeles, in the state of California, USA. The characters in the stories are members of the resident or transient Nigerian and African communities scattered throughout the city. In the last [...]
It was a dark chilly harmatan night. Tarbo awoken from sleep by desperate demands rushed out of his house to ease himself in a nearby bush. This sort of routine exercise always made him lament the absence of a toilet in his compound. He [...]
“Naija Tales from Los Angeles Stories” is fiction set in the city of Los Angeles, in the state of California, USA. The characters in the stories are members of the resident or transient Nigerian and African communities scattered throughout the city.
The journey went on for like forever,then the van came to an halt in the middle of nowhere far from town, ‘Move in,’ one of the hefty guys who seemed to be the leader of the thugs said. Even oga landlord wasn’t [...]
The night was as dead as a doornail and Lady Tranquility took her esteemed seat in the neighbourhood. Dag, a frustrated cat in the pool of old age had nothing better to do than lay on the rooftop of a bungalow that was begging [...]
It was the type of night when spirits took over the universe. An impenetrable darkness filled the earth and forms appeared and disappeared, taking fantastic shapes as they did so. The lack of celestial illumination was too sinister to be a mere product of [...]
White lights flashing… People in blue scrubs bustling around me… The smell permeating the air, akin to the one place a detest the most…a HOSPITAL! I lurched forward and most likely would have fallen off the gurney save for the hands [...]
It was Toun’s birthday, right? So the gang came together, and they decided on a plan: Ignore her when she wakes up. Keep that up till everyone goes to “work”, sneak back [...]