If you do not like the avatar generated for you at the time of registration and you want one that better reflects your personality, this is how to do it:
1. Ensure you are logged in to Naija Stories. (If you are not sure whether you are logged in, you can make sure by going to http://www.naijastories.com/wp-login.php and logging in.)
2. Navigate to this link: http://www.naijastories.com/bp-profile
. This will take you to your profile page.
3. Click on the ‘Change Avatar’ button that is in the second row of buttons on the profile page (to the right of the ‘Edit’ button). This will take you to a page from where you can change your avatar.
4. Ensure that you have saved the image that you want to use for your avatar to you computer.
5. (This is very important): Ensure that the size of the image you want to use for your avatar is less than 100kb, and the dimensions are less than 400 by 300 pixels. If your image is too big, you will have problems in the next steps.
6. Click on the ‘Browse’ button on the page, and browse to the location that your image is saved on your computer, and select it. Once you have done this, you will see the name of the file appear in the edit field to the left of the ‘Browse’ button.
7. Click on the ‘Upload Image’ button to upload the file on your computer to Naija Stories.
After you have done this, you will see your image appear on the page, with a portion of it selected in a selecting square.
The portion in the selecting square will be ‘lighter’ than the unselected portion, and the selecting square will have eight small black squares around it - four on the corners of the selecting square, and four on the edges.
8. Move the selecting square around to choose which part of your uploaded image will be your avatar, and resize the square by clicking and dragging on the small black squares.
9. Once you have selected what part of your image will be your avatar, click ‘Crop Image’… and that’s it.
Wao,dis is nice,i hv got to try it