chika winifred eneanya and
Ugo Chime are now friends 2 years, 8 months ago
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Come Mr Rushlow sir 3 years, 4 months ago
you are right xikay! he is like her teacher, she puts him in high esteem, he is definitely more experienced than she is and is responsible for her pleasures and now he is gone she is sad, so sad! it isnt about death, it is about loss though ( i do like the way your [...]
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Come Mr Rushlow sir 3 years, 4 months ago
Mr Rushlow is a gentleman, british, scholarly, underneath all that politeness and knowledge is a very naughty man…….;)
a webcam is all they need………and the rest as they say is hisTORY -
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Come Mr Rushlow sir 3 years, 4 months ago
hi Idoko thanks! the name? i just wanted a name that would descibe this british character(i envisioned in my head), very annoying with spectacles and so pedantic! the qualities i imagine one wouldnt look out for when you out for some good ol’ web play on the internetz, i think i succeeded….hmm?
chika winifred eneanya wrote a new post, Come Mr Rushlow sir 3 years, 4 months ago
Come Mr Rushlow Sir! I have missed your speedy fingers so I guess its your head that I really miss For isn’t that where you reside And everything else are extensions of you Come Mr Rushlow sir There are things you have yet to learn Parts you ought to have glimpsed Run as fast [...]
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, The Wet Dreams Of A Wife 3 years, 5 months ago
i like the way the story reads………..its like, you dont care if we believe the story or not, and yet i found myself wanting to believe that such a thing could happen, it was a case of be carried along or left behind.
keep it up -
chika winifred eneanya wrote a new post, Party Hats And Cake Optimus 3 years, 10 months ago
On my way to the biggest celebration Africa has ever seen and my flight has been delayed, why oh why? I can almost taste it! Oh I forgot to add, I know two of the chefs catering, all graduates of the culinary arts institute, no not CIA! But I believe they wield more power and [...]
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Out Of The Blue 9 3 years, 10 months ago
all i can say is, that Zed has discipline mayne!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
nice almost sex scene. -
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Wounded Pride 3 years, 10 months ago
lol reminds me of the time i posted pics with the price tag showing, i was in the dressing room of the shop, i had not even purchased the outfit yet lol it seemed from some people’s reaction a visible price tag is a hugeee fashion faux pas, a major no no! a “you don [...]
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Captain von ‘Clap’ Trapp 4 years ago
ohmy! cikko…………what a very quirky and fickle narrator! in the beginning i thought so, midway narrator got me giggling and in the end narrator got me in stitches……….i like narrator, no! scratch that…i love narrator for without him/her/it we wouldnt have been privy to this interesting dialogue.
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Bloodied hands (2) 4 years ago
wow what a vixen! you are very funny and you paint such pictures in my head, i loved the part about throwing her head back and roaring like a lion, also liked the ending……….what a draft that must have been! more like a tornado whirled past the pastor’s desk! lol………..nice post
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Co-operate! 4 years ago
lol Ekumeku the unwilling hero!! why do i feel he is also on the other side? hence the coperate statement…………..he is some sort of criminal? or undercover cop? hmmm all these questiions………..i hope we will get to read more of ekumeku
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Love Sucks 4 years ago
More jay! Mooooooooooore! Doctor Nathan is a cool dude.
chika winifred eneanya and are now friends 4 years ago
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Flight of thoughts 4 years ago
@ Adeyinka…thanx. hmm a story?……….considering @thanx abby! @ lol Lade i think it would be a good thing, if i could manage to scare you. @Lol Gretel, as always i love your honesty! yeah i debated that one, but i had already ticked the horror part and then i was like………..whatever! @thanx jay! and yeah [...]
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, Senor Roberto 4 years ago
@ gretel lol thanx for stopping by! @ hey Anderson! yup sometimes we surprise ourselves @ Lade yep! thanx for reading @ Elly! naughty naughty……….hmmm its unhygenic! @Tola O i guess there is a bit of ambiguity …..the character is somewhat intrigued and scared by her thoughts and desires, i guess she still holds back [...]
chika winifred eneanya wrote a new post, Senor Roberto 4 years ago
Wishful thinking couldn’t even make you pronounce that he is in his thirties, you look at him and wonder once more why you are so drawn to him, his salmon coloured complexion which you would love to describe as perpetually happily flushed, on second glance you decide that you have to be honest with yourself [...]
chika winifred eneanya wrote a new post, Flight of thoughts 4 years ago
My head is heavy and weary like a million light bulbs flicked off and on My eyes seem to flit off on off on but i bat no eyelids no flicker for its all in my head i feel my thoughts racing and my brain struggles to analyse the motion colors thoughts and words all [...]
chika winifred eneanya and are now friends 4 years ago
chika winifred eneanya commented on the post, You got me fired up! 4 years ago
wow! i had completely forgotten this book until i saw the name Ure chokwe! hmmm and then the name of the novel rang a bell in my head, my little heart too was wrung lol i think i even shed a tear when i read the book. nice read!
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