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I am exactly like that young man Idoko. Chimamanda's Purple Hibiscus was…
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Chimamanda Adichie @ Debo...: Okay, I admit it, African timing messed me up, again.
I know I had promised before to enter the modern age and dump all these excuses, but you know how it is. Like when I dropped everything to get to an event only to get t...38 view(s)
Genevieve Nnaji: She was hailed by Oprah Winfrey as the Julia Roberts of Africa and featured in an Oprah episode Meet the Most Famous People in the World. Just recently she was chosen as Connector of The Day on CNN’s Connect The World progr...7 view(s)
Waiting for Tomorrow: Time flies with our grunts,
Thoughts keep us in chains,
Goals, evidence of torments,
Success, chimera set in truth,
And failure, recurring disbelieve…
Africa sounds like a sad song,
A dirge for earth’s verve,
Cry...6 view(s)
She Must Live! (2): A gust of cold wind lapped onto his face. He inserted his determined hands into his jean trouser pockets. Then, he gazed at the panoply of panoramic lights crossing themselves out into a huge ambience of hues, even as the tra...5 view(s)
The Master: I was awake long before I opened my eyes; I knew I was alone here; I hung my head low, gauging the sounds around me. There was nothing, I let out my breath slowly and tried to move, I was bound tight I knew that already but I...5 view(s)
Best of the Week
It doesn’t last forever: As kids, we weren’t the best friend sisters, but we were friends. And we always fought. I remember the first scuffle I had with her. It was when she became overly close to a Yoru...46 comment(s) | 71 view(s) | by Ukamaka Olisakwe
Philosophy From My Father...: Son! People will hate you because they cannot do what you do.
People will love you because they love what you do.
But, don't be distracted by praises and criticism by men rat...22 comment(s) | 65 view(s) | by Justuswrites
THE WET DREAMS OF A WIFE: It is my last night as a bachelor and I am drunk and dancing with all sorts of women. There are fat women, slim women, short women, tall women, fair women and dark women for me and...43 comment(s) | 61 view(s) | by Idoko Ojabo
To Love a Liar: Mary Jane’s jaw dropped open in abject horror. Shock, like a raging current, coursed through her entire system. Standing right on her doorsteps, eyes twinkling brightly with a so...13 comment(s) | 40 view(s) | by Edydeyemi
Wednesday, December 15, 2010, I sat at home in a pair of boxer shorts watching a movie. The time was about 11am but I was on holiday and considered an occasional...10 comment(s) | 33 view(s) | by MCO II
The fear ‘n your face, that I may never get your riddle, yet exposed the urge in your heart. No healthier spring could nurture love’s floret. ‘Love, son’ you said, ‘is the ability of someone to take someone else’s bullet’. And that was the one thing you taught me, the only thing that plays your [...]