Monday morning vacation was due, woke up very early as i watched the veil of light-over-darkness grew my mind being conscious of that (the fear for the dark flew)…kuku ruku (the chicken crewed).
At that moment i wished it would be day all-through; Cherish [...]
sambright on April 9th, 2011
Where was God?
I wonder…
Where was God before the world began?
Where was God?
Before He came to being?
Did He exist before existence?
Where was God?
Continue reading Where was God?
sambright on April 7th, 2011
Alero: Guess what dropped off Frank’s pocket on our way home yesterday?
Sam: Lots of Christian tracts.
Alero: Nop, try again!
Sam: Ally, I don’t have time for unrewarding conversations this evening just tell me what it was; I have to redeem time because the days are evil?
Continue reading Pornography:The silent addiction
4ran6 on March 20th, 2011
Religion is birth’s heritage,
Many continue family dogmatic ties,
Some seek a hermitage,
Others run from pillar to post in search of the wise. Continue reading Faiths, One Truth
Is my greedy heart shackled and sold To growing coins of burnished gold? Now the sounds of crowded coins Stirs tunes of pleasure in my loins. Is my hope built on wealth that bides Only like the ever changing tides? [...]
xikay on February 25th, 2011
some say their vespers no louder than muted whispers and some scrape the vocal cords with scraping words rougher than the palms of the man who works our farms [...]
estrella on February 10th, 2011
Hadiza was recovering from her crying bout with shuddering sighs when a voice boomed in her ear. ‘Get out of the bus!’ She turned to look behind her so fast that her head spun. What was she thinking? She thought to herself. She was in the back seat for heaven’s sake. She turned to look front when she heard the same voice again. ‘The bus…get out of the bus!’ [...]
Read More Hadiza’s day
howyoudey on February 8th, 2011
The bus rolled to a stop, cutting off the spontaneous religious singing that had engulfed the bus as a result of a successful ministerial trip to the rental units next door.
All eyes turned to gaze at Okon, who now stood [...]
Read More Okon 2
King kObOkO on January 16th, 2011
There is an “I” you feel in your spirit. That “I” is great, rich, popular, beautiful and more successful than you are now. That “I” inspires you to forego many pleasures and make the needed sacrifices. Yet your “eyes” tempt you two see that [...]
howyoudey on January 6th, 2011
Okon Itiaba stumbled out of the black Ford Taurus sedan and then quickly steadied himself. A couple of passers-by approached him as if to offer assistance. He smiled reassuringly and then waved them off.
He slammed the door of the sedan shut behind him [...]
Read More OKON
xikay on December 30th, 2010
its innocent me alone thats left to atone for the deed of ancestors long lost in earths stores [...]
Read More Just Me Alone?
Inomah, Charles on December 19th, 2010
My fall is not a loss but a forbidding field to graze on and so I must forgo its bitterness and forge ahead with no frights.
It is a time to brace up for my faults with bravery, because I know it is never [...]
estrella on December 9th, 2010
I feel as though you have let me down in such a huge way that I can never come back to you again. It took me a while to trust you and even a longer time to believe that you weren’t trying to fuck [...]
Read More Dear God…
lceasar on December 2nd, 2010
If truly it is impossible to please God without faith, Then God must be pleased with me only in stops and starts, behind those pearly gates. For my faith is something like the sun; Sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s gone. - [...]
Read More Faithfully Inconsistent!
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Recent Reader Feedback
Chukwudum, I believe you watch football so i'll use a football analogy to explain the concept of style to you. ...
if i come across it with something in my wallet, I'll get it...it seems to be promising.
Jay, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
Joy, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
Your presentation of passion was vivid and intense. Good one. It didn't feel like being in a prison though.
Chetachi, I found the story very engaging, especially Onyeka's attempt at toasting the MC. Well done. Do watch out for punctuation and ...
I found the story rather rambling - it was very hard to follow the narrative, perhaps because there were so ...
Hahahahaha I love Lagos-life stories. I didn't even notice the tense mix-ups. Very enjoyable.