Myne Whitman on November 1st, 2010
Our Featured Writer for the month of November is TheBeautifulTruth. Her story, Nnamdi, got the highest views in the month of October. TBT has also previously won Best of the Month in July with her story I Remember. To increase the number of views for your own stories, share the links with friends, and on Facebook and Twitter. To read more of the Beautiful Truth’s stories click HERE. Enjoy her interview below.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Sonia N. Osi. I’m 18 years old, soon to be 19. I’m in my second year in
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Myne Whitman on August 4th, 2010
It is not everyday you find a Nigerian writer featured in the Wall Street Journal but that was what happened earlier this month. I was perusing the WSJ a couple of weeks ago and came across an excerpt of Adimchinma’s first novel, Treachery in the Yard, HERE. I was very excited and contacted him the next day through Facebook. It turns out that he lives in Nigeria, Enugu to be exact, and had gotten a contract with St Martin’s Press, an imprint of Macmillian, by dint of hardwork. I was really impressed with his perseverance and decided
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