Monday morning vacation was due, woke up very early as i watched the veil of light-over-darkness grew my mind being conscious of that (the fear for the dark flew)…kuku ruku (the chicken crewed).
At that moment i wished it would be day all-through; Cherish [...]
Dipo Adesida on April 4th, 2011
I hate weddings.
Not the institution but the ceremonies built around it.
I mean, the first miracle Jesus ever performed was at a wedding…and that should have sent a signal to humanity that no matter how hard people try, something would always go wrong at [...]
Read More You may kiss the Bride… muah
Success Ojo on March 28th, 2011
He watched from quite a distance as he had done time and again. His binoculars made his vision a lot more detailed than deprived. Closer than usual, his vision bore clarity and grace as his sight was blessed with a view never seen before [...]
Read More The Binoculars
yejide kilanko on March 27th, 2011
A haggard looking young man opens the door to his ‘face me I face you’ room. He shuffles inside, flinging a polythene bag on the rickety table.
Pain flashes across his face as he sits on the thin mattress placed on the floor. His [...]
Read More Ghosts of Leaders Past
xikay on February 26th, 2011
50 cycles have come and gone 50 seasons under the sun Suns have risen and set Life and taunting death Strifing peace and gentle war [...]
Read More NIGERIA: how far we have gone (PART2)
yejide kilanko on February 25th, 2011
I am a coffin maker but I prefer to call myself an end-of-life transportation consultant. The truth is that I find it difficult to tell people what I do for a living. I soon came to the realization that while we all know death [...]
Read More The Glimpse In The Mirror
Shope on February 25th, 2011
How do I cross this torrent? These waters rage, Menacing unfriendly currents Seeming unconquerable I despair. [...]
Shope on February 24th, 2011
From this very parched ground,
Brown, barren and cracked,
Beauty shall come-
Amazing green and fruit,
And Adam’s seed shall marvel.
Continue reading Foretelling
xikay on February 24th, 2011
The land that flowed with milk and honey
Forests green, sun sunny
Belles pretty lads strong
Sweet were words in our song
Tall was our humble pride
Wisdom was our teaching guide
Peace in hand, war in pouch
The gourd our plate, the mat our couch
To- their words were men bound
Till the six feet sojourn below the ground
Continue reading NIGERIA: how far we have gone! (PART1)
Lawal Opeyemi Isaac on February 20th, 2011
Your milk has gone watery!
Abidemi’s voice rose high as she argued with Oladele, her husband outside the house. Her voice was a sharp knife that cut through the serenity of dawn. She clung to her husband’s shirt like a bloodthirsty leech would to [...]
Johnson Bankole on February 7th, 2011

The lack of love is the greatest of all sins
The outback grove is the love nest scenes
I have been there waiting all days since
The grey part of love is in the imagination
Continue reading Hope on a valentine day
Anderson Paul on February 2nd, 2011
When it came, it didn’t trickle down slow and labored like the tears that dribbled down my face, the rain came down with brute ferocity, Its sound drumming fiercely on the roof in excited chatter. lightning forked across the skies and thunder roared in [...]
jeff unaegbu on February 1st, 2011
When you move your electric legs, Men do mope at your terrific steps, Making me give magnetic pecks, Which then create frenetic yells. When our eyes do linger in locks, Your sweet smiles do glitter with love, From that heart which shimmer with hope, And my heart just shivers with throbs. [...]
howyoudey on January 6th, 2011
Okon Itiaba stumbled out of the black Ford Taurus sedan and then quickly steadied himself. A couple of passers-by approached him as if to offer assistance. He smiled reassuringly and then waved them off.
He slammed the door of the sedan shut behind him [...]
Read More OKON
muyiscoi on December 21st, 2010
This is one of the most common phrases that is heard throughout Nigeria. It translates to “All will be better” in English Language from the commonly spoken pidgin derivative. This simple phrase has become a mantra for most Nigerians and does well to mirrors [...]
Read More e go better!
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Recent Reader Feedback
i liked the story because it had a very real feel while i read it... you did very well indeed... problem ...
Myne, The narration is good and fluid. Was concerned about the dearth of conversations to keep the story alive but when ...
Chukwudum, I believe you watch football so i'll use a football analogy to explain the concept of style to you. ...
if i come across it with something in my wallet, I'll get it...it seems to be promising.
Jay, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
Joy, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
Your presentation of passion was vivid and intense. Good one. It didn't feel like being in a prison though.
Chetachi, I found the story very engaging, especially Onyeka's attempt at toasting the MC. Well done. Do watch out for punctuation and ...