Once upon a midnight, MIDNIGHT, While I pondered in the low light, Over curious pathology That I’d never seen before, While I nodded, nearly napping, Suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, [...]
Once upon a midnight, MIDNIGHT, While I pondered in the low light, Over curious pathology That I’d never seen before, While I nodded, nearly napping, Suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, [...]
I am captured and enraptured By your facial exposure The visual foundation culture Now spread offshore Amidst well cultivated contour In all splendour I Cherish your endeavour This one off pleasure I want to live [...]
Let my heart stick upon this thin air and beat through the wave of the east wind casting ripples of sweet melody as my eyes thrust into open night sky the stars form fine pixels [...]
I took a stroll down the lane, Getting ready to see like never before, Packing my hair, so that I can concentrate, Checking myself so that I do not disturb the air. As I [...]
Beautiful alone paints no vivid picture Save when elegance and grace breathes into the colours For whenever beauty befriends grace: angels are born Then shall I say she is a being of heavenly artistry? Stroke [...]
Drip! Drip! Drip! Tiny drops of rain, Flowing through the drains, beating a hasty retreat Down, down it drips Deep into the soil it seeps Tiny drops of shining beauty Pouring down on the city [...]
Arrival lounge at Dulles At Heathrow, even Moscow Countryman! Countryman! Hugs, kisses, hand shakes Much sharing, much love Other races look on Wishing in envy It’s We against Them We together Against Immigrations Countryman and [...]
Life, is a bum! Yet our best chum Just like a newly wedded wife. The world is no fun Full of tales of war, strife and constant grief Yet we bask in the glory of [...]
Amorous pools sable and deep Set lightly upon lustrous smile Thy moonlit skin my heart doth keep Stow’d away upon distant isle Evermore to serve thy desire Thy will my own ‘till I retire [...]
I promise myself that i will never let go of my dreams no matter where life place me. To inspire, motivate, and to encourage every young ones i meet. To helps reflects the rare and [...]