Idoko Ojabo on I AM DAVID Jay, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
Idoko Ojabo on I AM DAVID Joy, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
Idoko Ojabo on THE END OF LOVE 1: BREAK UP I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
Idoko Ojabo on THE END OF LOVE 1: BREAK UP I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
Shope on Away from you Your presentation of passion was vivid and intense. Good one.
It didn't feel like being in a prison though.
Tola Odejayi on Engaged But Available Chetachi,
I found the story very engaging, especially Onyeka's attempt at toasting the MC. Well done.
Do watch out for punctuation and ...
Elections are here again and I plan to re-elect you. You were not my man in the last elections but I voted for you anyway because I just didn’t want the umbrella brigade to take over. They have shown me time and [...]
My son’s image looms large as I watch the political campaign on my black and white TV. Sadly, I do not feel my allegiance to him is strong enough to risk empowering him in such a manner.
Bayo sank tiredly into the sofa in his bed-sitter. Thank God my break starts tomorrow, he thought. If the management of the plant where he worked had not so designed things that workers went on alternating one-week breaks he would have simply collapsed on [...]
Their big grammar scatters my brain
“Emancipation, Rehabilitation
Transparency, Fruitful democracy”
My poor head reels from grammar bombs,
but “Chop, I Chop,” I understand
so I cast my vote, my liberty. Continue reading The Electorate
…on the selection of a Northern Consensus Candidate The revered oracle has spoken After much offers, much token? And how my heart did tickle When I heard he said, “Ah-tee-koo!“They asked, “is the Oracle a swine
It was Sunday night and people were engaged in lewd scenes by the hour on the giant LCD screen that stood tall at a corner of the sitting-room. Girls stood carelessly along the streets, whorls of smoke from cigars formed a vain atmosphere, and [...]
My nation is run by a cartel,
Of fat potbellied villains,
Beasts cursed to suffer
The eternal thirst of the insatiable
They will not die well. Continue reading PARABLES ABOUT HOME
The elegantly dressed alhaji was striding down the corridor of the National Assembly Complex when he heard someone shout out his name. “Alhaji Bukar! Long time no see. How now?”
He turned round and saw that it was his good friend and party [...]
i count a great the number
of these army that doth slumber.
while the future dies
each on his bed lies
they wait for gray hairs
in the safety of their lairs.
A man is nothing without a life, A home incomplete without a wife; Shit cuts deep like a knife, Backstabbing the masses - hunger and strife —- Curses,crime and craziness is rife [...]
Recent Reader Feedback
i liked the story because it had a very real feel while i read it... you did very well indeed... problem ...
Myne, The narration is good and fluid. Was concerned about the dearth of conversations to keep the story alive but when ...
Chukwudum, I believe you watch football so i'll use a football analogy to explain the concept of style to you. ...
if i come across it with something in my wallet, I'll get seems to be promising.
Jay, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
Joy, you did a beautiful work of a priest/pastor... I wouldn't miss any sermon of yours if you preside over ...
I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
I like the narration... It is difficult to dislike your male character... It is good you kept off the reason ...
Your presentation of passion was vivid and intense. Good one. It didn't feel like being in a prison though.
Chetachi, I found the story very engaging, especially Onyeka's attempt at toasting the MC. Well done. Do watch out for punctuation and ...